Minnesota State Licensing
Total cost to get your state license in Minnesota:
Exam Fee: $39
Permanent Licensing Fee: $75
Fingerprinting & Background Check: $67.25
NIPR/Sircon Transaction Fee: $5
Total Cost For Licensing: $186.25
Step 1: Schedule Your Exam
Click the button below to be directed to your state's preferred testing provider. Make sure you schedule your exam NO LATER than 10 DAYS from TODAY'S DATE. You will need to pay for your exam to complete your scheduling. You are testing for LIFE ONLY.
Testing Provider: Pearson VUE
Phone Number: 888-273-1946
Exam Code: InsMN_Life01
Step 3: Get Fingerprinted
After you've finished your course work and while we wait for your exam date to come up, let's get you fingerprinted! Click the button below to get information on scheduling your appointment, what you need to bring, when you pay the fees, and where the fingerprinting sites are.