Variety Lead Vendors
Live Transfers
10+ state licenses minimum
$80- $135 a call
Billed per call after two minutes
To set up, please email Kyle at
Let him know you work with Marissa Mazziotti from Family First Life.
Click the button below
AFTER you've gotten your account setup.
Tier 0-5 available
$65-$100 per call
Billed per call
Email Matthew Lehrer to set up:
Click the button below
AFTER you've gotten your account setup.

LIVE dials is a meeting room that is open 24/7 for every agent. Agents tune into the meeting with their cameras on and can un-mute their mics whenever a client answers the phone. Top producers give live feedback to help you on the phones!
Join our LIVE dials meeting by
clicking the button below!
There is a passcode required to enter so connect with your manager to receive access.
Live Dials
We are a national company so our team is located all over the United States. We use Zoom to ensure our that everyone on our team is constantly getting the support and assistance that they need.

Zoom Hub
Every other Monday at 5pm PST/8pm EST we hold our Agency Call. We welcome a special guest speaker to talk about the amazing opportunity here. We cover tons of different topics from getting your license to how to be Top Producer in your first month. Check out our social
media for weekly updates!
Click the button below to tune in!
Agency Call

Training Calls
This weekly session is designed to empower you with recruitment and team-building strategies for success. Tune in every Monday at 9am PST/12pm EST to learn from top agency owners!
Click the button below to tune in!
Click the link below to view all
previous call recordings!

Tune in to learn more about Simple Retirement Solutions! Top Producers and Carrier Reps hop on to share everything agents need to know in order to better help families with their financial planning.​
Thursdays at 9am PST/12pm EST
Click the button below to tune in!
Click the link below to head to FFL's SRS site! This has all the previous SRS Lift Off calls and extra resources for everything about Simple Retirement Solutions!
Family First Life premier's their podcast video on YouTube every Friday for the The Next Level call! Join us at
8am PST/11am EST
Click the buttons below to be directed to Family First Life's Facebook or YouTube!

Phone Burner is a dialing software where agents can import their leads and have them dialed automatically. Most of our top producers use phone burner because it helps increase their volume and activity on dial days.
You can sign up for an account and get 30% off by clicking the button below!

To visit their training website which includes videos and tools to teach you
how to use the software,
click the button below!
As a new agent, you'll need some supplies. Click the button to get a list of supplies all agents need to help families!
New Agent
This is a list of EVERYTHING new agents need to do in order to start protecting families!
Click the button for a full To-Do list!
Prym Group
Mortgage Protection Training
FFL Prym Group put together this incredible training on Mortgage Protection. Click the button below to access this YouTube training playlist!